Mankuk success at the 4th World Hydrogen Congress in Rotterdam
The city of Rotterdam, home to the largest port in Europe and responsible for 13% of total energy demand, from October 9 to 13 was the scene of the 4th World Hydrogen Congress, an event that has experienced a notable boost in the development of the hydrogen economy worldwide.
The congress brought together 2,500 participants from different corners of the planet, becoming a global forum for discussion and collaboration around hydrogen and its applications.
Chile, represented by a prominent delegation of companies, did not go unnoticed at the event. Mauricio Compagnon, Managing Partner of Mankuk Consulting & Services S.A., expressed his satisfaction with the positive reception at the Congress: «We have had a fantastic reception at this World Hydrogen Congress, which is consistent with Chile’s international positioning. However, having great potential is not enough, as was evident in the conversations at this summit. We must move forward collaboratively in creating the enabling conditions for the development of these projects, and that is the main motivation of Mankuk Consulting & Services.
We have more than fulfilled the purpose of knowing closely the status of development of hydrogen projects and its derivatives around the world, being in contact with the main companies dedicated to this industry and strengthening our positioning as a relevant actor and strategic partner for the different investment opportunities that are being evaluated in Chile.
The Congress allowed us to experience an exceptional reception towards national companies, reflecting the outstanding positioning of our country at a global level. Companies from various parts of the world are looking for collaborators to carry out projects, recognizing the significant potential that Chile offers.
Fountain: https://h2news.cl/2023/10/16/el-puerto-de-rotterdam-espera-que-la-demanda-sea-en-2050-de-hasta-20-millones-de-toneladas-de-hidrogeno/