Dr. Marcelo Villagrán Joins H2News as a Specialized Contributor
Santiago, Chile – July 17, 2024 – H2News is proud to announce the addition of Dr. Marcelo Villagrán, former Commercial Director of Chile in the Netherlands and current Managing Partner of Mankuk Consulting & Services, to its team of specialized collaborators.
Dr. Villagrán, a lawyer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and a Doctor of Law from the Philipps University of Marburg in Germany, has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of mining, energy and international economic relations. Between 2020 and 2023, he led Chile’s Green Hydrogen Strategy in Europe and since 2023 he has been managing partner of Mankuk Consulting & Services.
In an exclusive interview, Villagrán shared his experience in the green hydrogen industry and highlighted the importance of collaboration between Chile and the Netherlands. He commented on the NL-CHILE GREEN ENERGY CORRIDOR GDP program, which supports Dutch companies interested in the Chilean market, and emphasized the need for greater action and certainty for Chile to regain its leading role in the green hydrogen industry globally.
In addition, he highlighted the relevance of strengthening international relations and collaboration with key players in the green hydrogen industry. “Chile’s potential as a future producer and exporter of green energy opens a great opportunity in the relationship with the Netherlands,” he mentioned. He added that, after leaving ProChile, he has maintained support for Dutch companies to continue promoting this collaboration, recognizing the importance of logistics and the development of enabling infrastructure that Rotterdam offers.
Finally, he expressed his concern about Chile’s loss of prominence in the international green hydrogen scene and emphasized the need to act with more conviction and provide greater certainty. “The vision that Chile declares in its strategy of becoming the country that produces the cheapest green hydrogen on the planet must be shared by the entire country and not only by the developers,” he concluded, inviting everyone to dream big and lead with the example.